Thursday, January 01, 2004

Recently the Egyptian Foreign Minister was attacked by a Palestinian mob outside the Al-Aksa mosque in Jerusalem.. Apparently they asserted that his talks that day to salvage the "road map to peace" discussions were a betrayal to their cause. Furthermore, they appeared to be predominantly Islamic militants who raised a call for a resumption of the bloody Jihadist war waged in that country..

Strong language to use against nation that has been one of the primary political patrons of Arafat..

However, the Egyptians are a proud people, and they don't particularly like having their politicians roughed up by a bunch of ungrateful Palestinians. And it doesn't hurt when the state information service, and most newspapers, take their lead from the Mubarak regime.

There's some fascinating stuff on this link related to Egyptian resentment over this attack.

The Central Scrutinizer

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