Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Been awhile since I've posted. Was overseas for a couple of years working in Iraq and the experience has given me some new perspectives and insights which I hope to put in coming posts.

Currently, I've been engaged in commenting on a couple of other blogs, including Intel Dump under the name Diogenes (the famous Greek cynic who reported travels the streets blindfolded looking for an "honest man").

Interesting experiences of late include the censorship I received at the hands Ret. Col Patrick Lang on his blog:


I, apparently, have been declared "Persona Non Grata" on his Blog because he didn't like some of my comments, calling them "naive and uninformed". When I attempted to explain my perspective in more depth, in order for him to understand my perspectives (and hopefully to edcucate me why my views were illogical or inaccurate), his response consisted of asking me whether I was engaged in some "IO campaign" on behalf of the "Neo-Cons", or the US government (presumably the Bush administration).

This is sad, because I had originally sought him out as a "sounding board" against which I could test my logic, test it's intellectual "armor" against opposing perspectives, and ultimately, get a bit close to some form of "truth".

Admittedly, I am quite disappointed that Pat chose to respond by attempting to "label and categorize" me, rather than taking the time to correct what he presumed were my logical errors.

As I embark on reactivating this blog, I give commentors the promise that I won't censor comments merely because I disagree with them. This will be a moderated forum, if only to keep down the "noise" factor. But if you have a comment, and are prepared to logically defend it with facts, then I will be happy to "bless it".

We don't always have to agree. But if I see you're making an honest attempt to logically argue your perspective, I certainly don't see any reason to invoke censorship.

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