Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ray Robinson has an article on American Thinker that I think is of importance:

Al Qai'da fracturing?

And if one reflects upon the recent article where we're seeing some of the most prominent leaders of Egyptian Jihadist groups speaking out against Al Qai'da, it seems to indicate that the strategy of putting Al Qai'da in the position of having to deliberately target fellow muslims with terrorist attacks has ellicited the desired result.

It's one thing for the "Arab street" to applaud, condone, or simply remain indifferent to attacks against infidel "Ferengi" (Persian word "Faranji" for foreigner), but when those attacks are conducted against other Muslims, then they are directly challenging the Fatwas of the existing Islamic scholarly hierarchy. And Egypt is the leading center for Sunni Islamic thought and the Grand Imam and the Grand Mufti of Egypt have taken public stances against violent Jihad, and especially Jihad that targets other muslims.

Egytian militant leaders denouncing violent Jihad

Let's all keep our fingers crossed that this trend will continue. Because, ultimately, it is up to the practioners of Islam to determine how it will interface with the rest of the world.

The Scrutinizer

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