Thursday, July 22, 2010

Retail Investors CONTINUE TO RUN from this market, yet the computers drive the market higher!!

Mutual Fund outflows continue for 11th week

As I posted on 7 July, it had appeared that outflows were declining, but that's no longer the case.

ICI reports that the week ended July 14 saw another massive outflow from domestic equity mutual funds of $3.2 billion, bringing the July total to $7.3 billion, and year-to-date equity outflows to a stunning $37.5 billion.

It would seem that outflows are INCREASING as that $7.3 billion is a BIG CHUNK of the past 7 months of data.

How can we have a "bull market" when money continue to flow out of it and 10 year Treasury Bond yields are still under 3%?

It's another reason the "little guy" hasn't trusted the market since the May 6th "flash crash"


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